Helix Nebula/ April 2021 from The Streichfett Sessions
Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC; Ultraviolet: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSC; Optical: NASA/STScI(M. Meixner)/ESA/NRAO(T.A. Rector); Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/K. Su
Streichfett Sessions Installment 6 April 2021
The Helix Nebula (also known as NGC 7293 or Caldwell 63) is a planetary nebula (PN) located in the constellation Aquarius. Discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding, probably before 1824, this object is one of the closest to the Earth of all the bright planetary nebulae. The distance, measured by the Gaia mission, is 655±13 light-years.It is similar in appearance to the Cat's Eye Nebula and the Ring Nebula, whose size, age, and physical characteristics are similar to the Dumbbell Nebula, varying only in its relative proximity and the appearance from the equatorial viewing angle. The Helix Nebula has sometimes been referred to as the "Eye of God" in pop culture, as well as the "Eye of Sauron". Its age is estimated to be 10,600 (+2300−1200) years, based on its measured expansion rate of 31 km·s−1. -wikipedia
In alchemy the symbol of the eye, (most likely taken from the ancient Egyptian symbol for the “eye of Ra”) and referred to as Ergon, represents the “right eye of the soul”. It is the eye which is always looking toward the Infinite, the Divine, and the spiritual world. It sees the infinite of the human soul and guides the soul towards the higher vibrations of the spiritual path through concentrated study, work, and practice of that goal. Ergon represents the timelessness of the universe and the link between the cosmic and earthly realms. It reminds alchemists that the eye is a gentle watcher over the soul helping to guide one ever closer towards transformation.
We perceive much with our eyes here on this earthly realm. We are blessed if we have sight and yet some are born without or have it taken away. Some have color-blindness or need corrective lenses. We use makeup to embellish them, we use them to release tears, we often take them for granted, and now for most of us when in public, it’s the predominant feature above a mask. They are indeed windows to our individual souls and a reflection of our collective process of transformation.
The Helix Nebula gets its shape due to the fact that it is a dying star, a star in transformation. For transformation to occur there must be a death and birth cycle. Something must die so the new can be born. The old must give way to the new, and it is a process that even the Cosmos mirrors back to us here on Earth through eons of time, ever so slowly.
In Greek ergon means “function, task or work”, and maybe our task or function here on earth is to allow that transformation by seeing the infiniteness of everything, creating the true vision of clear sight.
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Piano, Streichfett Alchymie
Mixed & Mastered Laila Kalantari
Recorded August 2020
Enjoy, Helix Nebula