Whirlpool Galaxy/ August 2021 from The Streichfett Sessions
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI) and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Streichfett Sessions Installment 10 August 2021
The final installment of what began ten months ago. Soon we will face 2022 and what it may bring each of us. We will all certainly face 2022 from our own view point, our own reality, and our own place within our galaxy. Over these last ten months I have come to the conclusion that each of us can only know our own truth and not another’s. We create our own world and search for our own truths within it. Truth, although we may find it individually, may be a concept elusive to the whole in this new whirlpool consensus we have created. The whirlpool creates a vortex which brings all within its sprials. The spiral is a geometric form found everywhere on planet earth and even above us amongst the stars. “As above, so below”, in the perfect Fibonacci ratio. The vortex a portal to another space entirely. The whirlpool galaxy of the cosmos may certainly be a mirrored image of the whirlpool galaxy we can create here amongst ourselves, a whirlpool of healing, compassion, and a vortex that will take us to another space. Perhaps a space where we may understand “as above, so below” within each other.
Thank you for joining me on this galactic journey.
What later became known as the Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered on October 13, 1773, by Charles Messier while hunting for objects that could confuse comet hunters, and was designated in Messier's catalogue as M51. M51 is visible through binoculars under dark sky conditions, and it can be resolved in detail with modern amateur telescopes. Deep in the constellation Canes Venatici, M51 is often found by finding the easternmost star of the Big Dipper, Eta Ursae Majoris, and going 3.5° southwest. As is usual for galaxies, the true extent of its structure can only be gathered from inspecting photographs; long exposures reveal a large nebula extending beyond the visible circular appearance. The Whirlpool Galaxy lies 23 million (31 million?) light-years from Earth and has an estimated diameter of 76,000 light-years. Overall the galaxy is about 43% the size of the Milky Way. Its mass is estimated to be 160 billion solar masses, or around 10.3% of the mass of Milky Way Galaxy. A black hole, once thought to be surrounded by a ring of dust, but now believed to be partially occluded by dust instead, exists at the heart of the spiral. A pair of ionization cones extend from the active galactic nucleus.
In September 2020, the detection of a candidate exoplanet, named M51-ULS-1b, orbiting the high-mass X-ray binary M51-ULS-1 in this galaxy was announced. If confirmed, it would be the first known instance of an extragalactic planet, a planet outside the Milky Way Galaxy. - wikipedia
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Piano, Streichfett Alchymie
Mixed & Mastered Laila Kalantari
Recorded August 2020
Enjoy, Whirlpool Galaxy