Streichfett Sessions are LAUNCHED!!!

Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Drake et al; H-alpha: Univ. of Hertfordshire/INT/IPHAS; Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Spitzer

Image credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/SAO/J. Drake et al; H-alpha: Univ. of Hertfordshire/INT/IPHAS; Infrared: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Spitzer

The Streichfett Sessions/Alchymie
Cygnus OB2
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Streichfett Sessions Installment 1 November 2020

Cygnus OB2 is home to some of the most massive and most luminous stars known. Cygnus OB2 is hidden behind a massive dust cloud known as the Cygnus Rift which obscures many of the stars in it. This means that despite its large size, it is hard to determine its actual properties. The region is embedded within a wider one of star formation known as Cyguns X which is one of the most luminous objects in the sky at radio wavelengths. The region is approximately 1,400 parsecs from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. -wikipedia

November 2020 brings the end of this year closer to us along with many uncertainties for everyone. While some are riding the unknown trail of the “Wild West” pandemic mode with election frenzy for sharks of all sizes, others are finding restrictions and freedoms brought into question. Opinions and arguments fly, the media feeds on the opportunistic buffet for the taking, and many are staring blankly into an uncertain future completely confused. Can we really end 2020 and head into 2021 with some semblance of grounding or at least a bit of calmness? Again, Alchymie looks to a place we hold within a bigger picture. Going outside of the chaos and confusion to where there is a more ancient game at play. The Cosmos.

I’m excited to be releasing for the next 10 months, monthly installments from The Streichfett Sessions. The streichfett by Waldorf is an electronic string/synth generator thingy and oh so much fun to play with. A huge amount of gratitude goes out to Eugene Kelly from The Pig House in Wexford, Ireland for introducing me to this little gem back in 2017. I’m also super grateful to have had Laila Kalantari behind the mixing and mastering mothership for this project. Her ability to hear the cosmos and place it elegantly into the left/right audio confines of this planet was invaluable. (Look for more collaborations with her & Alchymie in the future. Rumor has it that Tsovinar Unbowed has made her way back into the Alchymie lab studio!!)

The Streichfett combined with piano was the perfect vehicle to take myself out once again into the sky above; to gather my thoughts and get a break from the madness here on earth.

Enjoy the November 2020 installment, CYGNUS OB2.

Piano, Streichfett Alchymie

Mixed & Mastered Laila Kalantari

Recorded August 2020

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